Tucker Carlson breaks silence with savage subtle swipe at Fox News in mega-viral video with triple the views of Brian Kilmeade…

Tucker Carlson fired up the video camera and showed why he is the Voice of America with one simple, two-minute monologue. In this little doozy, Tucker showed why he is still the King

Tucker Carlson fired up the video camera and showed why he is the Voice of America with one simple, two-minute monologue. In this little doozy, Tucker showed why he is still the King of the Silent Majority, and made all of the Company Men still remaining at Fox News look like a bunch of minnows swimming in a very small pond.

In this short snippet that seems so much longer than it actually is, Tucker Carlson shows why he is the voice of the Middle American Radical, the patriot, the everyman. Tucker cuts to the heart of the matter: cable television news is full of corporate junk and not truth. For years, Tucker’s show gave a voice to countless forgotten Americans. His show was the only mainstream outlet for the “Silent Majority”; a group of Americans who felt they were being ignored by the mainstream media and politicians.

READ MORE: Tucker’s never-before-revealed random acts of kindness that people are now sharing will bring a tear to your eye…

At the time of this publication, this little video on social media already has 5.4 million video views and counting, which is almost three times as many as Brian Kilmeade had on Monday night in Tucker Carlson’s old 8p.m. slot. And suddenly, the picture for Tucker Carlson is becoming clear: with his two beautiful home studios and massive platforms on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and potentially Rumble in the future, Tucker can become a giant influencer on the tier of Joe Rogan. Imagine if Tucker keeps delivering these little bite-sized monologues, in addition to longer interviews and perhaps even documentaries like he created for Tucker Carlson Originals.

Tucker is so powerful that he makes excellent and hugely influential figures like Tim Pool and Glenn Beck look like minnows in comparison. And speaking of Glenn Beck, think of how many excellent personalities Rupert Murdoch has unceremoniously jettisoned out of Fox News because they grew into perceived threats: Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Lou Dobbs, Dan Bongino, Megyn Kelly. Whether you like all or some of those personalities or not, it’s undeniable that they are massive, larger-than-life talents that dwarf anything Fox News still has working for them, with the exception of a few still-interesting personalities like Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.

Tucker Carlson spoke for of millions of Americans who felt like their voices weren’t being heard. He tackled issues that were important to everyday middle-class folks; from immigration to foreign policy to free speech, and did so in a way that was unapologetically honest. And honesty is what we get in the above-embedded viral Twitter video.

Here are some of the beautiful little potshots Tucker took at the mainstream media in his above video—and by extension, 93-year-old Rupert Murdoch’s old empire:


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